EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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Text File
132 lines
Main Command
.<R>ead [modifiers] [date-spec]
Modifiers Description
<F>orward/<R>everse Direction of reading
<N>ew New Messages (After old ones )
<O>ld Old Messages (prior to new ones )
<L>ocal-only Messages entered only from this system
<U>ser Messages from specified users
<P>hrase Messages containing a specified phrase
note: may also be used to search a directory
General Modifiers that may apply to all
Modifiers Description
<X>modem Send using Xmodem-CRC protocol
<Y>modem Send using Ymodem as single file called MSGS
<G>lobal apply to all rooms
Non-Message Modifiers
Modifiers Description
<I>nvited Who is invited to the current room
<S>tatus General System Status
<D>irectory Short Directory Listing
<E>xtended-directory Extended Directory Listing
<B>inaryfile Download a file(used with a protocol )
<T>extfile [<F>ormatted] Read a text file
<A>rchive <D>irectory Reads compressed file Table of Contents
(ARC, ZIP, ZOO, LZH files supported)
<A>rchive <B>inary Reads files FROM the an archive for download
.<A>ide ***For Sysop/Aides only***
<A>dd-file - add a file to a room directory
<C>hat - force a chat, even if chat is off
<D>elete-empty-rooms - delete rooms that do no have activity
<E>dit-room - modify a room
<I>nsert-pulled-message - Insert a message in a room
<K>ill-room - delete the current room
<A>ddress - forward your mail to another system
<B>iography - create/edit your biography
<C>omplete-reconfigure - do a full reconfiguration
<E>xpert - set Expert/Novice mode
<F>loor-mode - set Floor mode
<H>alf-duplex - set Half-Duplex mode
<L>inefeeds - set linefeeds(cr becomes cr/lf)
<M>ail-Forwarding - forward your mail to another system
<N>ulls - set the nulls Citadel sends at cr
<O>ld on New toggle - set the last old message to display
<P>rompt - set the room name into the prompt
<T>ime of Messages - set the time of day in message headers
<W>idth of Screen - set the width of the screen
<Z>Old-RE - set the message formatting
<F>ile - Upload a file with a protocol
<X>modem (default )
(external protocols, see .Help Protocol )
<H>eld-Message - continue a held message.
<M>essage - Enter a message(can be done with prtocols)
<N>et-Message - Enter a net-message(same as above ).
<P>assword - Change your password.
<R>oom - Create a new room.
.<G>oto <room> - Move to another room using either the
full or partial room name.
.<H>elp ANYFILE - getting help on a particular subject
.<K>nown - List all rooms that match
<A>nonymous-rooms - Rooms with Anonymous headers
<D>irectory-rooms - Rooms with a Directory
<I>nformation - display information of all known rooms
<M>atch match-string - search room list for matching room name
<P>rivate-rooms - Rooms your invited to that are private
<R>ead-only rooms - Rooms which you can read but not post
<S>hared-rooms - Rooms which are networked
<Z>Forgotten-rooms - Rooms which you have said to forget
.<L>ogin PASSWORD - Entering your password
.<M>eet User <username> - Read User's Biographies
.<S>kip <room> - Skip the room using either the full
or partial room name.
.<T>erminate - Log off the current user
<A>bort - Abort the logoff
<S>tay - Stay on the system(to login again?)
<Q>uit-also - Drop Carrier.
.<U>ngoto <room> - Backup to the room name(or match on
the partial name). May also use
"-" or <B>ackup.
.<Z> - Lists public forgotten rooms
;<A>ide **** These commands are for SUSOP/AIDES only
<C>reate-floor - Create a new floor
<D>elete empty floors - Delete floors with empty rooms
<F>loor <M>oderator - Set the Moderator for a floor
<K>ill-floor - Kill a floor
<M>ove rooms - Move the rooms to the floor
<R>ename-floor - change the floor name
**** These commands are for everyone else
;<C>onfigure - See .ECF
;<G>oto FLOORNAME - Move to the first room in a floor
;<K>nown floors - .K organized by floors
;<S>kip FLOORNAME - skip new messages in a floor
;<Z> Forgets current Floor - forget all rooms in a floor
%ADVANCED Back to the advanced commands help menu.
%HELPOPT Get a list of all help files in the system.
%MAINHELP First level of help system.